Posts in Special Reports
☆ Swanee Edwards condemns dark money in local campaigns

Recently ousted SCC Dem Party member Swanee Edwards breaks down how financial inequalities have shifted the focus of local election campaigns — from addressing the real issues to getting enough funds to stay afloat. Her suggestion for reform also follows. An Opp Now exclusive.

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☆ What expressions does freedom of speech cover in CA?

First Amendment expert/author and journalism professor Joseph Russomanno parses CA’n Assembly Bill 2799, which would enforce restrictions on how “creative expression” (art, song lyrics, etc.) can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, in the name of halting racial discrimination. Russomanno examines critics’ claims that this bill is not First Amendment-upheld — emphasizing that no freedom offers absolute protection. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ Former local Democrat unravels SCC Dems’ fear of Khamis

Swanee Edwards, longtime local Democratic Party activist, recently disaffiliated when asked to exit for supporting nonpartisan candidate Johnny Khamis. Edwards breaks down how Dems’ codependent relationship with unions breeds anti-Khamis apprehension. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ Ex-SCC Democrat breaks down Dems’ latest double standards

Swanee Edwards — County Central Committee member since 2008, longtime campaign runner/Endorsement Committee member, and as-of-late ex-Democrat — unpacks the local Dem Party’s recent hypocritical actions. While endorsing nonpartisan Johnny Khamis earned the boot for several like Edwards and Tovar, other favored councilmembers remain protected from criticism. An Opp Now exclusive.

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☆ What candidate Khamis is looking for in new County CEO

After a rushed and strange, secretive process, the county announced that James Williams will be replacing retiring CEO Jeff Smith with James Williams, the county’s attorney. Supervisor Candidate Johnny Khamis notes that the process seemed hasty and flawed, but offers some advice for CEO-appointee Williams. An Opp Now exclusive.

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☆ Ensuring academic success for all students: CUHSD candidates weigh in

Campbell Union High School District board candidates Elisabeth Halliday and James Kim turn their attention to student performance within the CUHSD. Both unpack their plans to sustain increased academic achievement stats in the district, especially for students facing “opportunity gap[s].” Other CUHSD candidates have not yet replied. An Opp Now exclusive.

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☆ Prop 30 to promote “green (energy) shoots” via EV market?

UC Berkeley energy professor James Rector, senior “Clean Transportation” engineer David Reichmuth, and energy consultant Ronald Stein analyze California’s Proposition 30 and its promises to boost zero-emission vehicle infrastructure. Their varied takes on the initiative below. An Opp Now exclusive.

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☆ Prop 1 and pregnancy centers: Experts weigh in

Clocking in at 78 words, California’s proposed constitutional amendment has more than perplexed locals and advocacy orgs. Opp Now has led journalistic efforts to investigate what Prop 1 means for late-term abortion legislation. In this installment, local constitutional lawyers/orgs parse Prop 1’s implications for pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ FUHSD board candidates dissect district’s successes

Ranked #9 in the Golden State, the Fremont Union High School District is a renowned leader in test scores, graduation rates, and course offerings. All FUHSD board candidates (Kou, Arness, Price, Kim, and Nakano-Matsumoto) identify how the district got to this point — and how they’ll continue cultivating success when elected. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ Campbell USD board candidate scrutinizes “Keep schools clean” bond

CUSD board hopeful Vivian Mills critiques the latest-proposed districtwide bond measure: $96 million, to be dedicated to “leaky roofs” and other basic building maintenance. Mills questions the district’s historic lack of accountable spending, and why Measure T is overshadowing constituents’ concerns about student success. Candidates Nguyen, Freedman, Miller, Crownover, and Cohen have not yet replied. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ CUHSD board candidates on overcoming divisiveness amidst political diversity

Campbell Union High School District board candidates James Kim and Elisabeth Halliday address pursuing unity on boards with ideologically diverse members. In the thick of contentious conversations around CUHSD board campaigns, Kim and Halliday emphasize that school boards must serve constituents first and foremost — not squabble and build petty divides. Other CUHSD candidates have not yet replied. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver
☆ Local progressives use Trump-like tactics to silence legit political debate

If you’re rolling your eyes at the over-the-top accusations made by local left wing advocates against moderate candidates in this election cycle, you’re not alone. The Opp Now team analyzes how local lefty advocates are, in fact, cribbing Big Lie tactics from The Trump Team in their unhinged 2022 campaign schemes. An Opp Now exclusive.

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Special ReportsJax Oliver