☆ Former local Democrat unravels SCC Dems’ fear of Khamis

Swanee Edwards, longtime local Democratic Party activist, recently disaffiliated when asked to exit for supporting nonpartisan candidate Johnny Khamis. Edwards breaks down how Dems’ codependent relationship with unions breeds anti-Khamis apprehension. An Opp Now exclusive.

Opportunity Now: Why do the SCC Dems continue to support officeholders with less-than-clean records like Rebeca Armendariz, yet seem almost afraid of nonpartisan candidates like Johnny Khamis? What’s the big deal, do you think?

Swanee Edwards: Khamis is a business candidate. The Democratic Party and unions are (and always have been) in a seriously codependent relationship. Unions pretty much run things behind the skirts of the Democratic Party.

So with this election, they’re worried about losing jobs, union organizing, and all the money unions make. There’s some real fear here if someone like Johnny Khamis were to get elected over someone like Sylvia Arenas.

Now, I supported labor all my life. I come from a construction background. I’m a member of SEIU. However, I’m not going to discredit my own values to put people in office just because they support unions.

I did not want to like Johnny Khamis. But every one of these candidates came down here, talked to me, answered our questions, and he is exactly who we need. He looks at the homeless situation a bit differently than I do but has a real specific plan of how to start dealing with this epidemic — without throwing money at it or building more housing, but treating the whole problem. And I see his strong fiscal responsibility, what he did in District 10 really keeping his eye on the dollars. Sylvia Arenas has never reached out to me, now or before.

So your evaluation is correct: They’re threatened by Johnny because they want their union-loving candidates in office. I was on the County Patty’s Endorsement Committee for ten years and watched what the Party Leadership did to good Dems and longtime public servants that did not support or endorse labor candidates, let alone Democrats. I remember in 2012, I believe, when Morgan Hill Mayor Steve Tate came to the County Party seeking endorsement for a fifth term as Mayor.  He was denied the endorsement because he endorsed Mike Wasserman for County Supervisor District 1. Mr. Tate never returned to the party.

But things are changing. I’m not only person disgusted by recent events.

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This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series on the SCC Democrat Party oustings:

Image by Kheel Center

Special ReportsJax Oliver