☆ Ex-SCC Democrat breaks down Dems’ latest double standards

Swanee Edwards — County Central Committee member since 2008, longtime campaign runner/Endorsement Committee member, and as-of-late ex-Democrat — unpacks the local Dem Party’s recent hypocritical actions. While endorsing nonpartisan Johnny Khamis earned the boot for several like Edwards and Tovar, other favored councilmembers remain protected from criticism. An Opp Now exclusive.

Opportunity Now: What do you think overall of being ousted for supporting a nonpartisan? What do you think it says about SCC Democrats that they’re being this strict about recommending others outside of the party line?

Swanee Edwards: The Democrat Party has a constrictive, hypocritical, and constantly changing set of values for their leaders. They won’t let you think on your own.

The party’s been dysfunctional for a while, but this is something else. It even ties together with what Cindy Chavez did during redistricting. They’re turned everything into political gerrymandering, trying to get rid of two candidates for County Supervisor by putting Morgan Hill in the same district as Evergreen. They’ve really lost their way and have chosen the wrong issues to champion.

For instance, you could be thrown out of the party for endorsing someone in a nonpartisan race. Or they declared Larry Carr guilty before he ever had his day in court for throwing a chair at his girlfriend, and he was thrown out of the party.

But you can do something like violate city policy (as Rebeca Armendariz did) and be loved and supported by not only the local South County Dem Club, but even worse, by the County Dem Central Committee! It doesn’t make any sense. Santa Clara County is the second largest Democratic county party in the state. But instead of leading well, defending their values, and dealing with real issues (e.g., the homeless situation, housing, mental health, protecting elections), they’re showing favoritism.

ON: How have you noticed the county’s Republicans responding to what you view as the SCC Dems’ larger failures to focus on true problems?

SE: There’s been an undercurrent of the local GOP taking advantage of how Democrats have taken our eyes off the ball. Thus, there’s a real possibility of having a Republican mayor in the city of Morgan Hill for the first time in decades.

ON: Swanee, what do you plan to do as far as your professional relationship with the Democratic Party, responding to pressures to conform to their one perspective?

SE: Assuming a perfect world, I’ll still be involved with Valley Water (as their Water Ambassador and on their Environmental and Water Resources Commission) and continue serving as the county’s Election Commissioner. That’s my way of giving back and keeping tabs.

However, this will be the last time I work on a campaign. I won’t be involved with even informal party business moving forward. Now I feel that I’m a true independent; I don’t lean one way or the other but simply want the best person for the job elected, given my set of criteria.

I imagine I’m not the only one. I think people are looking for local leadership without strings attached, partisan or otherwise. Even with the 49ers scandal in the Santa Clara County, citizens just need and want to see leaders not have a personal agenda other than wanting to make the world a better place.

I have a wall full of awards from the State Assembly and Senate. I’ve met some incredible people and worked together on meaningful projects. But I’ll be 72 in July. I have grandchildren and will be a great grandparent soon. I’m done with the Democratic Party, and there’s no way I’ll come back.

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This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series on the SCC Democrat Party oustings:

Image by Diana