Opinion: After Stanford’s latest anti-free speech incident, we should be asking (more) questions

You can’t make this up: on 2.25, a planned debate between a Berkeley prof and Harvard’s president—in a class called “Democracy and Disagreement,” no less—was derailed by jeering protestors. In response, First Amendment expert Daniel Ortner calls for a thorough independent investigation of Stanford admin. From Substack.

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Jax OliverComment
Could letting really small apartments be built (microunits) dramatically relieve housing shortage?

Fans of microunits (as small as 140 sq ft apartments) claim that housing affordability could be substantially improved if cities let smaller units be built. LA's Central City Association examines the barriers and the advantages.

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Jax OliverComment
Local business leaders "disappointed" in SJ Council's continued support for lower tax increase thresholds

Prop 5 lost handily statewide and countywide, but the tax-happy SJ Council continues to lobby (unanimous vote on 1.14) to make it easier to raise taxes. Local business groups, including Silicon Valley Business Alliance, Santa Clara County Realtors Ass'n, and Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility, among others, voiced their displeasure in an email to Mayor Mahan and Councilmembers, below.

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Jax OliverComment
☆ From parks to gardens to little-known trails: All your favorite San Jose reading spots

We'll always remember where we finished reading The Crying of Lot 49, or where we first started The Hobbit. In this weekend's exclusiveOpp Now readers—all submissions anonymized, below—share their favorite places in SJ to enjoy a good book. (City staff and pols, take note!)

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Jax OliverComment
DOGE uncovers HSR's fiscal lunacy

They say daylight is the greatest disinfectant. Tax expert Jon Coupal suggests that DOGE's tallying of the economic illiteracy of CA's High-Speed Rail boondoggle will sunset the misbegotten project.

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Jax OliverComment
AI entrepreneur–philosopher on how the free market consolidates individuals' knowledge into something bigger and better

Brendan McCord—past research affiliate with Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, and successful tech CEO—discusses economist Hayek's idea that the marketplace elegantly assembles human knowledge to make more efficient, developed, and truthful civilizations. From the University of Austin.

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Jax OliverComment
Death of the Reader

21st century academics have flattened the discipline of literature to a "mere political vehicle" for ideology, says Liza Libes in Pens and Poison blog. And this narrow-minded view of text as "battleground for social justice"—but not art—is robbing today's students of universal lessons, complexities, and beauty.

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Opinion: It’s not just L.A.; CA desperately needs a smarter fire management plan

In this Opp Now exclusive on the recent Los Angeles wildfires, political analyst Denise P. Kalm argues that we need solid answers—and major changes—on California's fire management practices to avert future disasters.

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Jax OliverComment
Case study: Santa Rosa solicits resident input on issues via surveys/community meetings. Why doesn't SJ?

The City of San Jose's feedback system has been long criticized as limited, unproductive, and performative. But our friend to the north, Santa Rosa, used an in-depth online survey and series of meetings last year for input on homelessness/affordable housing. The city explains, here, how they're applying residents' feedback to Santa Rosa's communication and strategic plan.

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Jax Oliver Comment
SF hotels that took part in city's interim housing schemes got trashed, still closed awaiting millions in repairs

At the peak of SF's hotel shelter program, more than 400 homeless people lived in the eight-story Hotel Whitcomb. Sources said the period was marked by chaos, rampage, overdoses, and property destruction. The SF Standard reports.

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Jax OliverComment
Prof emeritus: San Jose State’s anthropological censorship a grave mistake for academia

It’s not just about free speech; science itself suffers when we prioritize political correctness above good research, says Heterodox Academy’s Dr. Elizabeth Weiss. Weiss (whom SJSU punished for snapping a photo with a human skull) explains local anthropology’s recent ban on pics of human remains—and how it only pushes Silicon Valley’s “non-academics” towards pseudoscience.

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Pam Foley's misguided opposition to community shelters

Thanks to the groundbreaking work of new Housing Director Erik Soliván, the SJ Council appears to be (finally) pivoting towards a Shelter First homelessness strategy. But Soliván & team will still have to overcome a lot of false narratives from councilmembers and Housing First advocates alike, as evidenced by CM Pam Foley's comments made while she rejected consideration of congregate shelters at a 2024 Rules Committee meeting. We explore the mistaken assumptions in Foley's anti-shelter statements, below in this Opp Now exclusive.

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