☆ Water district rates about to double
Image by WaterArchives.org
Hold onto your (wet) wallets. Opp Now contributor and local City Planning graduate student Susie Murillo takes a look at upcoming plans for the county water district to jack up rates, yet again, with little accountability and dubious reasoning. An Opp Now exclusive.
"A rise in water rates may sink all who can least afford them"
This will likely be the headline in future local news articles if the proposed rate increases from the Santa Clara County Water district and water retailers go through.
Here's the context: Most homeowners over the last 2 decades have seen many tax and rate increases--and these increases squeeze many families on limited income. And those increases also put further out of reach the dream of home ownership for many. Coming up are votes from the CPUC and by the Valley Water Board of Directors (Santa Clara County Water district) that will mean huge multi-year rate increases that will surely make the already high cost of living in Santa Clara County even more astronomical.
A notice from San Jose Water was sent out about a meeting taking place June 13th, between 2pm and 6pm, to discuss the rate increases. They aim to start with a 33% increase in 2025. Then 4% to 5% in years 2026 and 2027. And then many more rate increases envisioned for years to follow. The Water District will also meet on Tuesday, May 14th to finalize a plan to increase wholesale rates. The increases will lead to North County household’s bills increasing by $8.78, while South County can expect a smaller increase, between $1 and $3.20. The purpose of these increases is to keep up with water infrastructure repairs and a controversial expansion of Pacheco Dam. But haven't we seen these explanations before to explain several other property tax and fee increases?
The most recent tax from the SCVWD (Measure S passed in November 2020) made permanent an expiring tax and promised “Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program which ensures public health and safety by:
• protecting drinking water supply, dams from earthquakes and climate change;
• reducing pollution, toxins and contaminants in waterways; and • providing flood protection;...” Santa Clara Valley Water District, California, Measure S, Parcel Tax (November 2020) - Ballotpedia
In 2012 The SCVWD also made permanent another parcel tax and used these arguments to support it: "Measure B does not increase tax rates; it simply replaces existing local funding.
Ensure safe, reliable water supply;
Create 3000 jobs for the local area.[9]
Reduce toxins, hazards and contaminants in waterways;
Protect water supply and dams from earthquakes and natural disasters;
Restore wildlife habitat and provide open space;
Provide flood protection to homes, schools and businesses;
Provide safe, clean water in creeks and bays."
These two taxes supplement the statewide property tax measure Proposition J, which also goes to fund water projects for the Santa Clara County Water District. Unfortunately the seismic retrofit projects and other clean water projects have yet to take place decades after these taxes have passed.
By most estimates these increases from the water district will double our water bills over the next four years.
But odds are that the moniker of the “golden spigot” once bestowed on the Santa Clara county Water district--because of their lack of accountability with taxpayer dollars--will once again be proven apt.
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