☆ SJ union deal: What will we cut to pay for it?

SJ City votes to accede to union demands for a gold-plated contract—even without a strike. Now the big question raises its head: What gets cut to fund union demands? Pat Waite of Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility sees choppy waters ahead. An Opp Now exclusive.

The easy part in the negotiations between San Jose and unions is done. Now comes the hard part… what gets cut from the budget?

This probably isn’t a significant issue for this fiscal year; a reputed $178 million budgeted for vacant positions exists, while my rough estimate of the net budgetary effect of the settlement is some $3 million this fiscal year.

Next year will be problematic as the settlement adds about $6 million to a $19 million estimated baseline deficit. Employees complain about being overworked today. How are they going to feel when positions are eliminated to balance the budget?

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Image by Piret Ilver

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