☆ SJ Leaders see hope, rejection of negative campaigning in Mahan win

Business and nonprofit leaders chime in on how the results of Election 2022 point to a call for change and a citywide thumbs down to Labor's race-baiting and false smears. An Opp Now exclusive.

This election brought out more emotions than many have before. I have been involved in Silicon Valley elections for over a decade, and the mudslinging and accusations of racism have never been so fierce from the Labor camp.

Labor unions sent out controversial mail and paid for borderline racist digital ads, then somehow cried foul when the business community held them accountable for their vicious attacks. Some of the most vicious attacks came from unions supporting Cindy Chavez and Sylvia Arenas. As a Mexican-American, I’m beyond insulted by those Labor tactics.

The good? Voters are smarter than that. Having experience and running on accomplishments is one thing, but when a candidate touts experience, and all we see is the results of 24 years of failure, it’s hard to support that candidate. The county has failed since they are responsible for addressing homelessness, not the cities. Yet somehow Chavez forgot that.

The voters weren’t fooled; they knew who the architect of the current failure is--and it is Labor and Cindy Chavez.

—Victor Gomez, Exec Director, Silicon Valley Biz PAC

Coming as an unknown candidate citywide, to beat back an entrenched political machine shows how tired voters are of the “same ol', same ol.'” They outspent him 2 to 1. I know how he did it: A clean campaign with “compare and contrast”. And it worked. People want new ideas, and a new direction.

Why he did it? I can only believe it was the Jesuit upbringing at Bellarmine: “Men for others.” If you are fortunate, have a humble upbringing, get a good education, give back. I see that in Matt.

But will the council recognize this outcome that change is needed? I only hope so. We don’t have a strong Mayor system, and the Council and County can block his proposals/budgeting just for spite.

Over 500,000 ballots were sent & San Jose chose a new direction. I hope the other council members/city staff recognize this and NOT block his agenda and vision over the next 2 years. The citizens spoke and they need to work differently, and change their approach to solving the issues San Jose faces. We need accountability.

--Terrence Reilly, SJ Non-Profit Founder

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