Research says: School choice options cheaper than trad. education

Policy advocacy org the Independent Women’s Voice explains why local school choice initiatives are financially smart for taxpayers: On average, students in such programs require $5,000/yr from the gov’t, in contrast with traditional public schools’ $14,000. Allowing families to customize their kids’ schooling in states like CA wouldn’t “drain money from public education,” the IWV says.

MISPERCEPTION #2: School choice programs drain money from public education.


  • Private school choice programs provide public funding to educate a child, and therefore are an important component of “public education.” These programs save state and local governments and taxpayers millions of dollars annually.

  • When a student attends a private school using a state-funded scholarship or education savings account (ESA), the government typically no longer pays the child’s government-assigned school to educate that student. The cost to educate a child in a traditional public school almost always exceeds the public funding provided for each child’s school choice scholarship.

  • In fact, an analysis of 40 educational choice programs serving students in FY 2018 found that the school choice programs cost an average of $5,000 per student, compared to the $14,000 average per-student expenditure for students attending public K-12 schools. Funding for the traditional public school system has skyrocketed on an inflation-adjusted basis in the 30 years since the first school choice program was created.

This article originally appeared in the Independent Women’s Voice. Read the whole thing here.

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Jax Oliver