☆ Opinion: SJ budget priorities embody Mahan's campaign promises

Continuing an Opp Now exclusive series, SV economic commentators Pat Waite and Pierluigi Oliverio assert that—in a welcome surprise in the world of local politics—SJ’s March Budget Message spotlights the core issues Mayor Mahan championed while campaigning.

Pat Waite, Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility president: My take is that this budget message is consistent with the campaign promises that led to Mahan’s victory: try new approaches to the intransigent problems that have vexed us for decades, measure government, and focus on efficiently delivering core services. Hopefully, we can put last year’s election behind us and drive improvements for our community today rather than preparing for future elections.

Pierluigi Oliverio, Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association board member: The mayor’s proposed budget tracks to how he campaigned and matches to the issues which resonate with voters citywide. Personally, I am a fan of not creating a new department and instead focusing on funding prioritized city services such as law enforcement or top-of-mind concerns that pertain to other levels of government such as homeless/unhoused.

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