Stanford student org: No more nice words; let’s fire Steinbach

Logan Dubil at Campus Reform reports that a group of Stanford students are urging the university to dismiss DEI Dean Steinbach, citing her unapologetic defense of disrespectful anti-free speech protestors. One apology letter and a disastrous couple weeks of infamy after the incident (including multiple “fascists” comparisons), Stanford has yet to publicly discipline Steinbach.

A video shared by the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) shows [Associate Dean for DEI] Steinbach hijacking the judge’s speech, and when he attempted to defend himself, students shouted him down.

In response to Steinbach’s actions, the Stanford College Republicans are demanding that she “be fired for her dismal dereliction of duty.”

“We are appalled and disappointed to hear about the disruption of an event put on by our friends at the Stanford Federalist Society last week, in which radical leftist law students worked in consort with Associate Dean Tirien Steinbach to silence their speaker Judge Duncan,” an Instagram post from the organization reads. 

College Republicans Vice President Stephen Sills told Campus Reform that he has not heard of “any punitive action” taken against Steinbach.

“As an individual who wields tremendous authority over students, it was appalling but not surprising to see a Stanford [d]ean engage in fascistic tactics,” Sills writes.

This article originally appeared in Campus Reform. Read the whole thing here.

This article is part of an Opp Now series on the Stanford Law free speech scandaland its aftermath:

  • Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan was shouted down last week at a Stanford Law School event, and the disruption was supported by Associate Dean of DEI Tirien Steinbach. David Lat's exceptional Original Jurisdiction has the whole story here.

  • Tim Rosenberger, Jr., president of Stanford Law’s Federalist Society chapter, breaks down Stanford’s dangerously “comfort”-driven student/faculty culture.

  • In the wake of Stanford University’s free speech colloquies, Daniel McCarthy of the NY Post digs into Leftism’s aversion to differences.

  • Opp Now analyzes Stanford Law’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Spoiler alert: They, and heckler-sympathizer Dean Steinbach, may not be doing all that much.

  • TXEER Politics and Religion Board user pvbmtnr considers the binary thinking separating free speech and DEI—as especially located in Dean Steinbach’s WSJ defense piece.

  • Tim Rosenberger, Jr. assesses why a few prominent judges have announced they will stop hiring Stanford Law grads.

  • John Banzhaf is brandishing the potentially career-killing threat of bar complaints against Stanford Law students who heckled federal judge Kyle Duncan.

  • Reason's Josh Blackman unravels how DEI has stuck its nose into all issues possibly correlated with discrimination (big surprise: it's most of them).

  • Campus Reform breaks down DEI Dean Steinbach's rampant—and easily accessible—history of opposing law enforcement, criminal justice systems, and, yes, the “patriarchy.”

  • Stanford's Federalist Society student org president Tim Rosenberger, Jr. discusses how labeling all nonconformists as “far-right” is divisive.

  • Althouse explains why these university scandals continue happening: As the extremists get louder, the moderates get quieter.

  • After Stanford's free speech disaster, many are questioning if DEI jobs belong in education, including past USD board runner Zoila Herrera Rollins.

  • The Free Press’s Bari Weiss unpacks why we should pay attention to universities’ free speech incidents: Young people are powerfully shaping our institutions—and our collective future.

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Image by Ali Eminov

Lauren Oliver