☆ Leading community group says Doan/Batra homelessness audit "a step in the right direction"


Families and Homes, SJ's leading grass-roots community group, gives thumbs up to the Doan/Batra homelessness audit proposal, noting the need for an independent, accountable, and transparent process. An Opp Now exclusive.

The recent state homelessness audit underscored the need for a comprehensive examination of San José’s spending and the effectiveness of its programs. Councilmembers Doan and Batra's proposal for an internal audit, coupled with mandated updates to the City Council, is a step in the right direction. However, it should not merely be the minimum response; rather, it should be an earnest commitment to meaningful action. Engaging additional independent reviews, which may involve outside experts and critics, can offer fresh perspectives and ensure accountability.

In several industries, audit findings cannot be taken lightly; they demand swift and decisive action. Similarly, the City Council and the City Manager must prioritize addressing audit findings, which have too often been ignored. The significant financial investments made in addressing homelessness, coupled with the impact on residents' quality of life, necessitate a proactive approach to improvement.

The goal should be a transparent and accountable process that leads to tangible enhancements in homelessness programs and affordable housing initiatives. By examining current practices critically and implementing necessary improvements, San Jose can better serve its residents and work towards meaningful solutions to these pressing challenges.

--Families and Homes SJ

More on Families and Homes can be found here.

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