How Small Dollar Democracy can take on Big Money campaigns

Local political watchers have been surprised by the surge in the cost of political campaigns in the Bay Area, in which millions of dollars are raised (and spent) even for small, district-wide races. Concerned that these large numbers end up privileging special interests and candidates with deep pocket donors, many are looking to public financing of campaigns to provide more balance and representation. Aaron McKean writes for the Campaign Legal Center.

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Jax OliverComment
Here's a fun way to address your city's housing shortage: chase people away

SF finds a novel way to make housing supply meet demand: make it impossible for lots of people to live there. David Garcia and Michael Lane report in the SF Chronicle.

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Smith and Wolf: “We've blurred the line between helping and enabling” (4/4)

Two local leaders (from SJ/SF) for smarter, data-supported homelessness solutions discuss the importance of CARE Court and Permanent Supportive Housing's behavioral codes in this final Opp Now exclusive installment.

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Jax OliverComment
Will HSR get DOGE'd?

Trump told reporters Tuesday that his administration will investigate the long-delayed California High-Speed Rail project, which was authorized by voters in the state in 2008. Since then, costs have exploded and delays multiplied. His harsh comments put the future of the much-maligned project in even greater jeopardy. From Epoch Times.

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Jax OliverComment
Opinion: Why reading books makes us kinder, wiser—more in tune with life

Peggy Noonan at the WSJ analyzes today's culture of lightning-fast news and social media sound bytes—and why good literature, even (and especially) in the 21st century, makes us more perceptive. So we wonder if SJ's homelessness funds might be better allocated if pols, you know, paged through some Dostoyevsky.

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Jax OliverComment
Perspective: Why SJ/SF gov'ts are so bad at fighting homelessness—it's hard to label and count

It's not just a matter of missing some data. Or chasing money. James C. Scott writes in Seeing Like a State that rulers excel at naming, organizing, and coercing problems into a mold that gov't programs can address. But—like nature itself—many local issues, including homelessness, resist bureaucratic categorization; and require more nuanced, on-the-ground solutions than "veni, vidi, vici."

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Wolf and Smith: Why they’re so thumbs-up on the promises of Prop 36 (3/4)

Recovery Education Coalition's Tom Wolf and SJ D3 Council candidate Irene Smith predict big results from Proposition 36 (reinstating felony charges for certain property crimes and sometimes mandating drug treatment)—if, you know, our DAs decide to enforce it. More below, in part 3 of an Opp Now exclusive.

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Jax OliverComment
Case study Sandy Eggo: How citizen advocacy can fix flawed municipal government

Carl DeMaio of Reform California explains how he took on entrenched interests in San Diego to deliver common sense reform of a corrupt, imperious City Hall regime—and won. From an interview on California Insider.

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Jax OliverComment
Remembering: 'Tis better to have loved and lost...

Valentine's Day, a holiday tradition tracing back to the 1300s, may equally evoke in us feelings of love and heartbreak. Along that same vein, Secret San Jose's Cassie Kifer—writing below—uncovers some fascinating SJ stories about James Lick, Sarah Lockwood Winchester, and more: about love had, and love lost.

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Smith and Wolf: Where SJ and SF's Housing First methodology went wrong (2/4)

Bay Area homeless policy advocates Irene Smith and Tom Wolf discuss why they believe CA's extreme Housing First approach (barrier-free Permanent Supportive Housing) harms our homeless neighbors and community. What if local pols pursued “middle ground” solutions instead? Part 2 of an Opp Now exclusive.

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Jax OliverComment
Update: CA Community Colleges backs down on forcing faculty DEI alignment

After CA Community Colleges adopted a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mandate for profs in 2023, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) filed suit for six faculty. As FIRE explains, below, CCC just changed their tune—saying they actually won't penalize anyone based on DEI viewpoint. (The lawsuit's been dismissed based on that promise.)

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Jax OliverComment
☆ Here's how SJ and SF approach homelessness—and what needs to change (1/4)

Given ongoing concern about the Bay Area’s failure to reduce homelessness, we sat down with two experts—SJ D3 Council candidate Irene Smith and Recovery Education Coalition's Tom Wolf—for a 4-part interview series. In part 1, they focus on the importance of interim housing and the prospects for large-scale shelters. An Opp Now exclusive.

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