Posts in Special Reports
Local leaders condemn misguided “catch-and-release” policies for criminals

SCC Supervisor candidate Johnny Khamis and SJ Mayor candidate Matt Mahan share the City’s concerns about uninhibited pre-trial releases, which are likely correlated with SJ’s drastically worsening crime landscape (as outlined in Mayor Liccardo and Councilmembers Carrasco and Mahan’s recent memorandum). Exclusive comments for Opp Now on public safety consequences of catch-and-release procedures.

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Unaccountable Housing Dept drains city coffers while police dept starved

Concerned citizen Dean Hotop digs into a topic local media ignores—the wild misspending of funds by SJ Housing Dept—and links the dept’s fiscal mismanagement to increasing crime and lawlessness.

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SJPD Sgt slams CA’s zero bail policy as cogent element in catch-and-release debate

To address rising local crime, SJ Mayor Liccardo and councilmembers Carrasco and Mahan’s recent memorandum identifies key components of the issue and ways for governance to promote public safety. Mahan has also prioritized championing this cause in his 2022 mayoral campaign. Opp Now spoke with SJPD Sergeant Christian Camarillo on the dangers of catch-and-release policing, particularly when coupled with statewide zero bail. His comments below.

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School choice urgently needed to preserve Silicon Valley’s competitive edge

Michael Alexander, the California School Choice Foundation president and Californians for School Choice chairman, spoke with Opp Now about why Silicon Valley innovation unequivocally necessitates parents’ right to choose K-12 schools.

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National groups uphold City’s concerns about how “catch-and-release” increases crime

Mayor Liccardo and City Councilmembers Carrasco and Mahan’s April memorandum—titled “Addressing Rising Crime & Expanding Treatment for Arrestees in San José”—analyzes mounting public safety concerns associated with the “revolving door” of cyclic catch-and-release policing. In 2021, SJPD observed a 10.4% upswing in local violent crimes, which Liccardo et al. connect to research data on rampant pre-trial releases. Opp Now spoke with the ACUF Nolan Center for Justice and Right on Crime on why catch-and-release practices acutely harm communities like SJ’s.

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Late term abortion concerns muddy California Constitution Amendment debate

On June 20th, the CA State Senate passed Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 10, which aims to “not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion." George Skelton at the LA Times suggests that "Based on a simple reading, Proposition 1 would seem to push California abortion law far left by allowing pregnancy termination right up until birth." But some legal scholars see more nuance. Opp Now reached out to local constitutional law scholars and local/national advocates for their perspectives. State citizens will vote on SCA 10 in November.

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Equity and school choice: Michael Alexander on how progressives fail minority students

To unravel one of leftist extremists’ most-repeated arguments against school choice—that it fails to preserve equity—Opp Now interviewed the California School Choice Foundation president and Californians for School Choice chairman Michael Alexander. Alexander explains that equity is a common progressive talking point, but power and money are truly what drive legislative decisions—thus creating an ill-equipped next generation of learners.

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How the Maine decision informs CA school choice movement: An interview with CA School Choice Foundation president

Michael Alexander—the California School Choice Foundation president and Californians for School Choice chairman—breaks down what the recent Carson v. Makin ruling on a publicly-funded tuition assistance program means for California. The first of an exclusive series with Opp Now.

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Houston Housing Dept: Key to success was discarding “burdensome” zoning laws

Exorbitant housing costs are the #1 reason ex-Californians cite for leaving; yet Houston, Texas continues steadily gaining residents and was ranked the #3 metropolitan area for population growth in 2020. Opp Now spoke with Ray Miller—Houston’s Assistant Director of Multifamily & Public Facilities in the Housing and Community Development Department—about Houston’s flourishing housing market and local takeaways for SJ.

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“Ready, fire, aim”: CA’n HSR full steam ahead despite financial unviability

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) has campaigned against California’s HSR fiasco since 2008, when their co-authored nonpartisan report found the project “highly risky for state taxpayers.” HJTA president Jon Coupal spoke with Opp Now to rebut pro-HSR’s elusive affordability arguments.

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HSR Authority CEO “drinking the Kool-Aid” with latest comment

Yet another appalling budgetary upsurge (currently, the SJ–SF section alone will cost $5.3 million), and Brian Kelly still calls California’s failed high-speed rail project affordable? The Opp Now team spoke with Kelly Decker and Cindy Bloom of the SAFE Coalition about this fallacious claim and why HSR is a “Train to Nowhere” except taxpayers’ pockets. The San Fernando Valley-based SAFE (Save the Angeles Forest for Everyone) Coalition originally fought the HSR project on environmental grounds and now also its overall devastation to California.

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The streets are for everyone: How SJ is becoming one of America's most bike-friendly cities

In the last 10 years, San Jose has made substantial changes to its streetscape to make it more bike-friendly. In an Opp Now exclusive, we talked to John Brazil, Transportation Options Program Manager, and Colin Heyne, Public Information Manager in the City's Dept. of Transportation. They described the unique opportunities and challenges of creating a bike-friendly environment while respecting vehicular traffic.

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