Understanding how California school districts' new ‘equity’ curriculum teaches kindergarteners to be racist

California schools are now implementing anti-racism campaigns in schools. This curriculum begins as young as kindergarten. Jordan Davidson explains what's going on for The Federalist.

Piedmont Unified School District of Piedmont, California recently passed a policy in early September stating the district’s commitment to “equitable outcomes for students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color” through new race policies. These policies use tax dollars to teach children as young as kindergarten that their nation is evil, due to “our nation’s continuing history of systemic racism, anti-Blackness, White supremacy, White privilege, and oppression based on race.”

The Board recognizes that underrepresented groups became underrepresented not of their own doing but rather as the result of the institutionalized power dynamic and racism that exists in society,” the policy states, openly rejecting personal responsibility and teaching people of certain ethnic groups that they are born victims because of the color of their skin.

Some of these steps to “racial equity” by the school board include promoting “inclusion,” “advancing representation…to the extent legally permitted” by hiring people based on their skin color, prioritizing the “mental and physical well-being” of people based on their skin color, and enforcing diversity and inclusion measures based on skin color.

The school also plans to implement so-called “anti-racist” education starting in kindergarten, including materials covering “White privilege, White supremacy, and anti-Black racism” with “an emphasis on opportunities to learn for White-identified staff, students, and their families.” Some of this execution, the board warned, may result in the removal of “inappropriate or outdated curriculum.

The new policy also included a “glossary of terms” defining words such as “Anti-Black”, “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy,” “Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices,” and “White Privilege,” according to resources such as the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, which recently came under fire for promoting racist propaganda intended for use in schools and the home.

Progress in implementing these racial equity rules will be tracked by the school board superintendent to ensure that “measurable academic and school experience improvements for PUSD BIPOC students” are occurring.

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Simon Gilbert