San Jose loses out to SF, LA, Oakland, on federal coronavirus stimulus plan

The Biden administration's recent $1.9 trillion (no typo) spendingpalooza provided huge allocations to help bail out failing state and city governments (and, to be fair, 10% of the outlays actually went to coronavirus relief). But not all cities, at least in California, are equal, according to the Los Angeles Times. SF, LA, and Oakland received more than twice as much per capita as San Jose.

According to the LA Times, here's how California cities made out in terms of dollars per resident in the recent bill. 

San Francisco: $600m. Population 874,000. $/resident: $686*

Los Angeles: $1.96 billion. Population 3.9 million. $/resident: $502

Oakland: $192 million. Population 425,000. $/resident: $447

Long Beach: $153 million. Population: 466,000. $/resident: $328

San Jose: $223 million. population: 1.1 million. $/resident: $222

San Diego: $306 million. Population: 1.41 million. $/resident: $218

* Editor's note: it is unclear from the LAT story if SF's number is just city (like the other numbers) or SF city and county combined.

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Simon Gilbert