The Squatter and the Con


Statutes on occupying and gaining access to others' property are often twisted to support activist stunts and possession by unappreciated guests, which can clean out homeowners' wallets in the snap of a finger. KTVU reports that a high-end Hollywood residence was illegally occupied by folks leasing rooms to OnlyFans models. Thankfully, police shuttered the operation, but property owners were left with a big ol' “mess to clean.”

LOS ANGELES - A luxurious 7-bedroom dream house in the Hollywood Hills was taken over by squatters who set up a business on the property.

The ringleader allegedly wrote a fake lease allowing OnlyFans models to create their content in the house and rented rooms to them.

The squatters also threw wild parties.

Real estate agents say it's a problem they are seeing more often.

"There was poop and pee everywhere. They cut all the cords to all the security systems, they brought in new Wi-Fi. They were planning to sit there and move there," said real estate agent Emily Randall Smith.

The incident at the property she has listed happened in January when the husband and wife team were getting ready to prep the home for an open house.

"We walked up the property and the lock box was cut off. And there was a mailbox someone had ordered and put up. Like that was very weird, that was not here before," Randall Smith added.

Her husband walked to the side of the house and found someone sleeping inside… the couple then called the police.

However, when the police arrived, they weren't able to get the man out of the home, so the couple waited till the man left, then called police again.

"They knocked on the door and I guess some girl opened it and she ended up being an OnlyFans model and I guess the guy who had broken into the house had started this whole business and was renting these rooms out to the girls."

Police escorted the woman, her dog and everyone's belongings out of the house. But the Smiths were left with a mess to clean.

No one was arrested that night in January, but Smith hopes the person behind this gets caught. 

This article originally appeared in KTVU. Read the whole thing here.


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