☆ SJ Leaders on what Mahan's victory means for city

Local media has called the mayoral and most other local races. Opp Now caught up with former mayor Chuck Reed and Biz PAC member Tracey Enfantino for their analysis on the election's broader meanings. An Opp Now exclusive.

"The last three mayoral elections (2006 Reed/Chavez, 2014 Liccardo/Cortese, 2022 Mahan/Chavez) were won by Democrats who had demonstrated a willingness to put San Jose residents and taxpayers first. The losers were Democrats who had demonstrated their willingness to put public employee unions first. Despite those unions spending many millions of dollars for their union-loving candidates, the majority of voters declined to give them the keys to the treasury."

--Former Mayor Chuck Reed

"The Big Takeaway from SJ's Election 2022 was the revitalization of the Chuck Reed Coalition. We believe this alliance between moderate Democrats, moderate Republicans, Independents,and pro-business voters is the natural governing group for a city like San Jose--and the victories of Mahan and Doan, in particular, bear this out. From our perspective, the capture of the local county Democratic party by hard-left partisans is drawing many more moderate Democrats into our centrist coalition. Additionally, we notice that the increasing strength of Independent candidates locally (November ballot finalists Bien Doan, Johnny Khamis, and Irene Smith were all independent or NPP) suggest that the electoral momentum is clearly favoring common sense, fiscally sane, good-government centrists, and weakening the Woke Ideology & the Labor Left. This is good news for all of San Jose." 

--Tracey Enfantino, Silicon Valley Biz PAC

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