Premier Recycle's leader asks for an apology from City of SJ

Below is an excerpt from a letter sent by Rocky Hill, Premier Recycle's CEO, to SJ's City Council. The letter addresses what he sees as a pattern of bullying and intimidation toward his company as a result of councilmembers Ortiz, Torres, and Candelas unethically—and perhaps illegally—using City logo, letterhead, and resources to coerce him to accept a union contract. Hill's comments are aligned with LA's City Attorney, who recently requested that LA councilmembers back off overt unionization advocacy while in their official capacity as CMs.

Dear City Council,

We ask for a formal apology from the San Jose City Council. And a letter of apology from each of the three Councilmembers who signed letters on City stationery which were intended to intimidate and also accused Premier Recycle Company of unfair labor practices. They need to acknowledge why these letters were intimidating and biased. They should also explain that they did not investigate their written inaccurate accusations against us.

While the Councilmembers may have said they did not understand that City Council Letterhead indicates that the Council supports the contents of the letter, by using City Council Letterhead the intention was to threaten and intimidate.

This is a clear pattern of intimidation, overstepping, and bias.

We are a strong family business in San Jose that has been providing jobs for generations. Whether a union is in our shop is of no importance to us as long as the process is fair, all our employees are treated with respect, and the highest ethical standards for our elected officials are enforced.

We hope better for the City, for employees and for businesses. These letters of apology and renewed focus on ethics will go a long way to improving our partnership with the City.

Thank you,

Rocky Hill

CEO, Premier Recycle Company

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