Perspective: Stanford prez quagmire reminds us why we need investigative journalism

In a letter to the LA Times, Joanne Hedge of Glendale reflects on the fall of Stanford's now-bowed-out president Marc Tessier-Lavigne, taken down by freshman reporter Theo Baker. Since we can't rely on gov't to get to the bottom of things (we're still hearing crickets on the SCC Aff Housing Network-led threats and ambush of realtor offices), we must nurture the Fourth Estate of powerful, truthful, indefatigable investigative journalism.

To the editor: The investigative integrity of Stanford Daily reporter Theo Baker, an 18-year-old freshman at Stanford University, is why thoughtful and involved citizens must nurture, respect and protect investigative journalists. (“How this Stanford freshman brought down the president of the university,” July 21)

The Fourth Estate is more valuable than ever, as two of the other three “estates” — Congress and the Supreme Court — are often failing us.

Bless Baker’s respected journalist parents for inspiring their son. As a journalism graduate and print news reader myself, now 80, I have hope reading about Baker.

Joanne Hedge, Glendale

This article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Read the whole thing here.

Read about how Baker’s award-winning reporting brought the prez’s scandals to light here.

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