Oakland NAACP denounces Woke crime approaches: “Nothing compassionate or progressive” about it

In a 7.27 letter, Oakland's branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People condemns the city's hands-off position on public safety. Rather than garishly labeling policing as racist or subsidizing substance addiction, Oakland should ensure its streets are safe again by actually prosecuting crime. From Hot Air.

It’s hard to believe this actually happened. Oakland is a far left city full of far left elected officials. Yesterday the head of the Oakland NAACP, along with the Bishop of the Acts Full Gospel Church, released a letter blasting the city’s progressive politics and singling out the county’s progressive DA. The letter called for a state of emergency to deal with rising crime. This letter is so good I’m tempted to include all of it but here’s a portion of it.

Oakland residents are sick and tired of our intolerable public safety crisis that overwhelmingly impacts minority communities. Murders, shootings, violent armed robberies, home invasions, car break-ins, sideshows, and highway shootouts have become a pervasive fixture of life in Oakland. We call on all elected leaders to unite and declare a state of emergency and bring together massive resources to address our public safety crisis…

Failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals. If there are no consequences for committing crime in Oakland, crime will continue to soar....

There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety. It is not racist or unkind to want to be safe from crime. No one should live in fear in our city.

This article originally appeared in Hot Air. Read the whole thing here.

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