Not messing around: SF's Lurie calls for emergency-level legislation and powers to address city's drug and homelessness crisis


Image by Thomas Hawk


On the job only since Jan. 8, San Fran­cisco Mayor Daniel Lurie is pro­pos­ing sweep­ing legis­la­tion and mayoral powers to over­haul how the city addresses the fentanyl, home­less­ness, and beha­vi­oral health crises on its streets. The Chron editorial board, below, supports the move.

San Fran­cisco voters made it clear in Novem­ber — when they elec­ted polit­ical novice Daniel Lurie as mayor over four can­did­ates with dec­ades of gov­ern­ment exper­i­ence — that they wanted to rad­ic­ally dis­rupt the status quo.

Lurie is mov­ing swiftly to do so.

Within a week of being sworn into office, he intro­duced sweep­ing legis­la­tion to over­haul how City Hall addresses the fentanyl, home­less­ness and beha­vi­oral health crises on our streets.

The legis­la­tion, if approved by the Board of Super­visors, would do three key things.

First, it would allow the mayor’s depart­ment heads to approve con­tracts, grants and leases worth between $10 mil­lion and $50 mil­lion for home­less­ness, men­tal health and addic­tion ser­vices without going through the city’s lengthy com­pet­it­ive bid­ding pro­cess — which typ­ic­ally takes up to nine months. Super­visors would have 45 days to review the con­tracts — pre­vi­ously, they could take as long as they wanted.

Second, it would estab­lish the same accel­er­ated pro­cess to hire, recruit and more quickly onboard pub­lic safety work­ers — police officers, deputy sher­iffs and 911 oper­at­ors.

Third, it would allow the mayor’s office for six months to soli­cit private dona­tions to address home­less­ness and beha­vi­oral health, per­mit the city to accept gifts, grants and other dona­tions for those issues and allow the con­trol­ler to fun­nel sur­plus money to those causes.

Due to the city’s nar­row legal defin­i­tion of “emer­gency,” the legis­la­tion isn’t tech­nic­ally the “fentanyl state of emer­gency” Lurie had pledged to declare on Day 1 of his may­or­ship. But semantic quib­bling aside, the pro­posed ordin­ance would grant Lurie the powers he needs to treat the chaos and suf­fer­ing on our streets with the requis­ite urgency.

In an inter­view with the edit­or­ial board, Lurie was cleareyed that his pro­posal “is not a sil­ver bul­let,” but rather “a first cru­cial step” toward ful­filling some of his ambi­tious cam­paign prom­ises — includ­ing adding 1,500 shel­ter beds within six months, open­ing 24/7 crisis drop-off cen­ters, expand­ing beha­vi­oral health treat­ment and address­ing severe pub­lic-safety staff­ing short­falls.

“The one thing I’ve learned in all 14 days of lead­ing this city is that this is not a bur­eau­cracy that moves quickly,” Lurie said, adding, “We can­not con­tinue to do things the same way they’ve been done because we’re going to get the same res­ults.”

“We need to move quickly.”

We agree. And the 11-per­son Board of Super­visors — which has five new mem­bers — seems to as well.

How the Lurie admin­is­tra­tion will wield these tools remains unclear. And therein lies the con­tro­ver­sial part of this bill.

Lurie says he wants to build more shel­ter beds quickly but has not been clear about where those beds will be built, the form they will take or who will oper­ate them. 

He says he wants to improve account­ab­il­ity and out­comes but hasn’t yet spe­cified how he intends to define or meas­ure those out­comes. All of this will cost money, but it’s unclear how much or where it will come from — an import­ant ques­tion for a city facing an estim­ated $876 mil­lion defi­cit.

In short, Lurie is ask­ing for a great deal of trust.

That’s a reas­on­able ask at this stage of Lurie’s may­or­ship.

There’s no time to waste

Read the whole thing here.

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