☆ More on Election 2022: Moderation prevails

Political leaders explore how the Mahan/Doan victories may signal a return to middle-of-the-road, good gov't priorities for SJ City Council. An Opp Now exclusive.

“I have always been impressed with San Jose’s common-sense politics where practical, solution-oriented candidates--whether Republican, Democrat, or No Party Preference (‘independent’)--can get elected over the people playing to a partisan base or narrow special interest. While this year’s results were mixed, due to some radical gerrymandering (in the case of Supervisorial District 1), on some big races -- especially for Mayor and City Council District 7, the best instincts of San Jose’s coalition of common sense prevailed. “

--Shane Patrick Connolly, Chairman, Santa Clara County Republican Party

"Matt Mahan is the right choice for San Jose. His skill set as a successful entrepreneur working with startups has given him the ideal background for our next mayor. To address our homelessness crisis, reduce our crime rate, and improve our overall quality of life, we need a mayor whose primary objective is public service and who understands the importance of transparency, accountability, and achieving measurable objectives. San Jose is the 10th largest city in the nation -- and it is considerably more moderate than other Bay Area cities. An extreme candidate, like Cindy Chavez, isn’t the right fit for San Jose. Voters made the right choice, and I’m proud to have backed Matt Mahan for Mayor of San Jose."

--Gina Zari, Political Director for SCCAOR

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Image by Jerome Ely

Special ReportsJax Oliver