Leading Builders group calls for more time on SJ's Title 24 Muni Code amendment
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Citing a lack of outreach and concerns regarding negative economic impact on local businesses, the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Northern California is asking SJ City Council to hold off on a vote to a Proposed Construction Ordinance, which they believe would be damaging to all developers. Additionally, ABC notes that unions have carved themselves out of this policy by allowing occupancy permits if the builder is using a PLA or CWA (Union Labor). ABC's letter to the Council, below.
Honorable Mayor Mahan and City Council,
The Associated Builders and Contractors of Northern California is requesting that Item 3.7 on your December 12, 2023 agenda, Amendment to Title 24 of the San Jose Municipal Code for a Proposed Responsible Construction Ordinance, be deferred to a future date.
As we have members working in the local business community, we have unfortunately not had any past correspondence on this item, nor have we had the time to sit down with stakeholders. We share very similar concerns with many in our community that wage theft is wrong and legal actions should be pursued for those that short the wages of hard-working residents. Unfortunately, because of the lack of communication from the city, we have not had a proper opportunity to review this policy and further understand its impacts to those investors and developers that build here in San Jose.
We ask that more time is given for local stakeholders to have an opportunity to meet with staff and engage in a fruitful discussion and fully understand the impacts this policy could have on future development.
Matthew Estipona
Director of Government and Community Engagement
Associated Builders and Contractors, Northern California Chapter
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