In SF, crime-lenient policies fuel anti-Asian hate crimes

In SF, a 27-year-old man was just charged for attacking an elderly Asian woman. But the city should have seen this coming: Now-felon James Lee Ramsey committed another racial hate crime in 2021, but the charge was dropped and he served a short sentence due to “mental health challenges.” Crime-soft SCC lefties like Supe Ellenberg remain eerily quiet as decarceration appears to contribute to anti-Asian hostility. A HotAir article below.

A 27-year-old man with a history of mental problems was charged this week with a series of felonies for an assault on an 88-year-old Asian woman.

Police said James Lee Ramsey, 27, was arrested Friday after allegedly kicking an 88-year-old Asian American woman to the ground. Police said the unprovoked attack took place on Ellis Street, near Market Street.

A witness detained Ramsey until police arrived, and the victim was transported to a local hospital to be treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Ramsey allegedly committed battery on the witness as well.

DA Brooke Jenkins made a point of condemning this crime for the cameras yesterday. “We have got to get this city to a place where people understand that there is accountability for their actions,” she said.

I believe in accountability. The recent attacks that we have seen against elderly members of the Asian community are completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in San Francisco.

We need to mobilize together to make sure we protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

— Brooke Jenkins 謝安宜 (@BrookeJenkinsSF) July 27, 2023

[The author agrees] with what Jenkins is saying but in this case it looks like the city has already botched its chance to deal with James Lee Ramsey. He was convicted of another random assault back in 2021 against an Asian business leader. He was facing a hate crime initially but that charge was dropped.

This article originally appeared in HotAir. Read the whole thing here.

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