How "preserving" affordable housing misfires

Concerned citizen Dean Hotop agrees with Scott Beyer's analysis of SJ's housing permit woes (see nearby) and examines the unintended consequences of the Ellis Act which tries to "preserve" affordable housing.

It’s hard for people to grasp, but the “preserve” housing strategy is a huge component of why the housing starts in SJ is low. 

This manifests itself through the Ellis Act Ordinance, designed to “preserve” older “affordable” housing.  

The Ellis Act ordinance makes it financially infeasible for owners of old, low-density, energy inefficient properties from redeveloping them into high-density, highly energy efficient housing units.  

The state has municipal requirements on both of those fronts, but local legislation stands in the way. 

Bottom line, SJ’s Ellis Act Ordinance is artificially restricting development of new units, along with inclusionary housing requirements & affordable housing fees. 

Hotop can be reached at:

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Image by Brandon Bartoszek