Covid retrospective: Why it's good that SCC'eans fought to reopen schools

Marc Joffe remarks in the OC Register that open debate between the People and the Policymakers is vital for effective local democracy. After all, the Platonic epitome of a small all-knowing ruling class is unrealistic in today's world; thus, leaders' decisions (even if well meaning) may circumvent science, such as widely criticized Covid public school closures.

A retrospective look at the state and federal COVID-19 response reveals a pattern of suboptimal communications and decisions. These include an initial lockdown that excluded big box retailers and public transit, needless beach and park closures that limited opportunities for exercise and fresh air, extended reliance on remote schooling, despite its obvious flaws, and vaccine mandates for high school and college students known to be at minimal risk of severe COVID outcomes.

Those of us who questioned these policies were often ridiculed but could not be completely silenced thanks to constitutional protections. Ultimately, public pressure forced the relaxation of lockdowns and the reopening of schools. Had policymakers been insulated from public debate, and, yes, even ridicule, these destructive policies could well have persisted.

Elites are not capable of governing optimally even if they are motivated to do so. Open debate serves as an essential check on power that often leads to better decisions. So even for those who are not persuaded that free speech is a natural right, it’s worth defending as a tool for better governance.

This article originally appeared in the Orange County Register. Read the whole thing here.

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