Community leaders denounce Labor's hit pieces on Khamis; crickets from local Labor-backed pols, non profits, and advocates

Leaders of the local Arab American community are condemning Labor's ongoing, racially-tinged attacks on county supervisor candidate and Arab American Johnny Khamis--and politicians outside of San Jose are joining the chorus of denunciation. Local labor-backed mayoral and council candidates, as well as local "equity" non profits remain--predictably--mum.

Vic Zikoor, former president of the Arab American Cultural Center Silicon Valley (AACCSV)

The disturbing campaigns against Johnny Khamis are very unfair and do not in any way represent what Johnny is all about. Here are some highlights of his accomplishments in the local Arab American community:

- Johnny helped the Arab Culture Center of Silicon Valley to maintain its lease with the city of San Jose Parks and Recreation. This center promoted culture activities that represent Middle Eastern culture, and created programs that helped in education, music, language, and cultural activities that benefited the entire community. 

- Johnny is very soft spoken, kind hearted, and friendly. He especially was interested in helping seniors, and encouraged them to participate in the center activities. 

- He helped the board and the members to improve the environment in the park area around the center. 

- He was part of the volunteers that did cleanup, picked up trash and added ground cover to the park during “adopt a park day”. He also participated in painting the park benches. 

- Johnny brought in many speakers to the center from the City of San Jose and other agencies to inform the membership about regulations, laws, events and community projects involved in Housing and Health to increase awareness. 

- He brought various Arab artists to perform for the City Council to help the Arab American community and show how beautiful is the culture and how it needs to be shared. 

--Vic Zikoor

John McKay, City of Morgan Hill councilmember

Mudslinging in politics can be traced back to Roman times but compared to today’s version was quite tame. Now the mudslinging is fast, hard hitting, and pervasive. Twisting of facts and out-right lies, have become a hobby for some and a professional career for others and simply worse than ever. Campaign mailers and social media provide a fast and wide reach that is hard to chase and overcome. 

The types of distortions and lies directed at Mr. Khamis are familiar to me and they are disheartening at the least. Even a superficial look below the surface of the outlandish claims will dispel the childish tropes. I have great respect for our labor unions so it troubles me that they would somehow be involved with such claims that any bit of critical thinking would disprove.

I know we live in a busy, time strapped, world but we owe it to our future to spend the time to understand what our political candidates are going to bring to that future. Please do your research, it will pay off dividends in the long run.

--John McKay

McKay can be reached at:

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Jax Oliver