Local political leaders rip Labor's attack mailer on Khamis

Local leaders from across the political spectrum have called Labor's recent hit piece on Arab-American and immigrant County Supervisor candidate Johnny Khamis a hypocritical, shameful, and dirty ploy. The mailer has been criticized by Arab-American leaders as discriminatory and harshly criticized by the Merc's editorial board and this website as full of disinformation. Political leaders' comments below.

Dev Davis, councilmember SJ District 6, mayoral candidate

False, misleading, and discriminatory mailers hurt our democracy. For a group that purports to want to expand voting and transparency, these mailers reveal their true and shameful agenda to try to discredit an honest and dedicated public servant.

--Dev Davis

Matt Mahan, councilmember SJ District 10, mayoral candidate

It’s unfortunate to see these outside groups resort to such dishonest, bigoted, and marginalizing attacks in an attempt to win an election. Debates on the future of our city and county ought to be focused on the issues like homelessness public safety, and fiscal responsibility — not on toxic political lies and smears. I condemn these dirty tactics and call on all candidates for office in San Jose to do the same.

--Matt Mahan

Chappie Jones, SJ vice mayor, councilmember District 1

It is disheartening to see political hit pieces that create false and inaccurate information about Johnny Khamis. I worked closely with Johnny on Council and I saw first hand how he passionately advocated for all members of the community. I am saddened to see that kind of campaigning where the focus is to tear someone down instead of lifting their candidate or cause up. That is not healthy for our civil discourse or our democracy.

--Chappie Jones

Marie Blankley, Mayor of Gilroy

Hit pieces disclose the weakness, fear and insecurities of the sender. “I can’t outshine you on my own merits, so I’ll attack yours” is the mentality. I’ve been forced to become a quick study of Labor groups and their organized attacks on candidates and elected officials who won’t be bought. They are the epitome of hypocrisy when it comes to inclusivity, acceptance and respect. Matters of all natures should be argued and discussed on their merits and their merits alone, not based on whose pocketbook grows and who gains more power to force others into submission. Telling others who to hate or who will “make you sick” is to label people as outcasts just because they aren’t like you. Where is the honor in that?

--Marie Blankley

Bien Doan, candidate for SJ City Council, District 7

It’s despicable when Labor uses dirty tactics to attack Johnny Khamis--who is an immigrant himself. The South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council is shamefully trying to erode the integrity, honor and trust from this highly-respected, honest elected official. I urge that everyone vote for Johnny Khamis

--Bien Doan

Irene Smith, candidate SJ City Council District 3.

This is mean, bigoted, bullying behavior. It poisons our political discourse, it stifles creativity, and reinforces the ugliest elements of American history. I reject everything about it and request any candidate taking support or endorsements from the South Bay AFL-CIO to offer guidance and focus on issues, not parties. Help each of us to all move forward.

--Irene Smith

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Jax Oliver