CM Batra's call for more review of council endorsements validated by RM4 false ballot language fiasco


During the SJ City Council's debate about taking positions on ballot measures, D10 DM Batra warned the Council they were moving too fast and deciding without adequate input. The recent admissions by BAHFA that the RM4 ballot language (which the City Council endorsed) was inaccurate confirmed Batra's concerns. His original comments from the 6.04 council meeting, below.

Batra: Council not studying endorsements enough

This is the amount of work that deserves a four hour kind of study session where you can really educate the council members regarding what you have already successfully done. What you’re about to do. What are the proposals.

I do not believe that we are doing full justice to the work that you have done to absorb it and give you the proper amount of guidance.

You heard some public comments already about ACA 1 and ACA 13. More dialogue needs to happen so that you can represent the city more appropriately which is more consistent with our constituents.--D10 CM Arjun Batra

Watch the whole thing here.

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