Citizens ask SJ Council to refrain from taking positions on ballot initiatives


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On the heels of their ill-advised unanimous endorsement of RM4 (which turned out to be shot-full of inaccurate math and misinformation), next week the SJ City Council is considering taking positions on a number of state ballot initiatives. Critics say those initiatives should be directly decided by The People themselves. Critics' letter to Council below.

We Speak for Ourselves 

Dear Mayor and Council,

It has come to our attention that the city Intergovernmental Relations Team (IRG) will soon be submitting to council a set of recommendations regarding official positions they believe the City of San Jose should take on state and local measures this November. We, as San Jose residents, small business owners, homeowners, and community volunteers, respectfully urge the city to stay neutral on all ballot measures. 

We recognize the good work the IGR team performs with regard to securing state and federal grants and advocating for state and federal legislation that directly helps the city effectively deliver core services. However, we believe that positions on ballot measures placed directly before voters belong exclusively within the purview of city residents. 

We are asking you to recognize a clear line between legislative items to be decided by elected representatives, and matters that are to be decided directly by voters. Ballot measures are exercises in direct democracy. Voters, not elected representatives, determine their outcome. 

We believe it is entirely inappropriate for the city council, acting in its capacity as representatives of city residents, to formally put the city on record in support or opposition of any ballot measure. As registered voters, we speak for ourselves on ballot measures. We do not need or want the council speaking for us. 

Each of you are of course free to take public positions on any ballot measure as individuals. We are simply asking that in doing so, you make it clear that your positions do not represent the City of San Jose or its residents. 


Buford Barr

Ruth Callahan

George Clark

Shane Patrick Connolly 

Sandra A. Delvin, PE

Brenda Dohmen 

Thomas Dohmen

Nick Engelhardt 

Barbara Fontana

James Gailey

Gerald B. Giles

Susan O. Giles

Debra Gilman

Tobin Gilman

Terri Henry 

Carol Herzog

Denise Leto

Doris Livzey

Pam Mahowald

Roberta Moore

Inna Petviashvili

Nikolai Petviashvili

Helen Pham

Julie Sardana

Irene Smith

Pat Waite

Robert White

Tim Zadel


Families & Homes San José

Read the letter online here.

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Jax OliverComment