CA's “coddle-the-criminal” policies making crime rates soar

SJ's surging crime wave was a cogent focal point of Mahan's mayoral campaign. And many point to restrictive legislation as the culprit: under which even well-intentioned law enforcement must treat certain felonies as misdemeanors, release violent perpetrators without bail, and empty SCC jails as a reckless social statement. An email from Reform California breaks down how soft-on-crime policies jeopardize local public safety. Excerpted below.

California faces a dangerous and costly crime wave – all because of failed liberal policies that coddle-the-criminals while forcing victims and neighborhoods to pay a terrible price.

A crime wave has hit California – with our communities across the state experiencing an unprecedented spike in both retail/property crimes as well as violent crimes ranging from assault, rape, and murder.

California Democrats are responsible for the crime wave. First they downgraded crimes from felonies to misdemeanors which took important enforcement tools away from police and prosecutors. Second they released violent criminals from prisons and have waved any bail requirements – thus allowing criminals to go back onto the streets. Now they are smearing police as “racists” and threatening to put police behind bars for simply doing their jobs.

This email was originally published by Reform California.

Read more about why criminal leniency and decarceration risk public safety here and here.

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Jax OliverComment