Antisemitic violence surges at San Jose State


In January of this year, pro-Hamas demonstrators invoked violent antisemitic slurs at District Attorney Jeff Rosen. Today, February 19, at SJ State University, the brutishness escalated as guest academic Dr. Jeffrey Blutinger had to be escorted off campus with protection as physically aggressive protesters demanding “intifada” disrupted his speech on Mideast peace. Here's how JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) Bay Area describes the event on Twitter.

Earlier today at @SJSU, a planned protest against guest speaker Prof. Jeffrey Blutinger's talk on achieving peace in the Middle East through a two-state solution escalated into violence. Protestors obstructed entrances, called for "intifada," and clashed with law enforcement.

Their message? To show that "Zionists are not welcome here."

To ensure the safety of Prof. Blutinger, an armed escort was necessary for his departure. The intimidation tactics employed against a Jewish speaker are deeply troubling. We urge @SJSU to take action to ensure the safety of our Jewish community on campus.

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Jax OliverComment