Analysis: Why SCC progressives heavily prioritize school board elections

In an exclusive conversation with Opp Now, the California Policy Center’s Jackson Reese gets to the root of the SCC Democrats’ recent letter on school board candidates that they label as dangerous. Reese identifies how liberal-leaning school boards fund teachers unions, which fund the Democrat party—together keeping state gov’t overinflated and progressive. To receive daily updates of new Opp Now stories, click here.

Opportunity Now: What does this article, recently written and posted by the SCC Democrats, reveal about how progressives view school boards and local elections—if anything?

Jackson Reese: Ultimately, progressives and unions view school boards as an opportunity to make money that Republicans and their interest groups don’t have. When they’re operating under that dollar mentality, they’re threatened by parents pulling their kids out of school because it weakens the general fund and makes it difficult for the teachers union to negotiate for raises and pension increases.

So progressives’ real mentality on school boards is not that they are so important that they need to spend money to win them back. Instead, they view them as important to funding their party with income. School boards are the funding mechanism of the Democrat party.

When they come out strong and hard against average moms and dads running for school board, willing to throw fists this hard, it’s indicative of an emotionally traumatic reaction to something that threatens their identity. Why? The school board is their lifeline to make sure things stay progressive. And California is progressive as a whole because these school boards stay progressive, they give money and are safe havens to unions, and then the unions give money to the Democratic party; the circle goes round and round.

Ultimately, the Republican party doesn’t produce memos on school board elections. They don’t see it as a threat or worth pursuing. But the Democrats have built their identity and entire financial system on the back of unions that run local school boards.

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This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series. In three installments, California Policy Center’s Vice President Jackson Reese unpacks a strange SCC Democrats article about the dangers of conservative school board candidates:

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