☆ Addressing FUHSD’s enrollment drop: Stanley Kou’s perspective

In this exclusive, Opp Now hears from Fremont Union board member Stanley Kou about his apprehensions for 2023: maintaining sustainable enrollment numbers, and finding practical transportation for students living in Sunnyvale’s high density housing.

I am apprehensive about our enrollment numbers in the FUHSD. At our first district board meeting this year, we learned that enrollment is dropping noticeably. This is not just an issue with our district; it’s a nationwide issue. Regarding the FUHSD, they predict that in five years, our total enrollment will drop by 2,000 students. That’s a lot. Right now, we have an average of 1,700 students per each of our five high schools (about 8,500 in sum), so losing 2,000 students would really impact our programs. If possible, we want to offer all our programs to our diverse student population. For instance, 25% of our graduates aren’t directly going to four-year universities (they often attend local community colleges).

What’s more, teachers might have to be laid off if enrollment drops more (though there’s no plan to close schools or let many teachers go at this point). We need to continue watching this and working to make our schools sustainable.

Also, they’ve built high density housing north of 101/237 and Sunnyvale. Our district doesn’t have a high school nearby there (the closest is Fremont High School). Many residents in this high density housing have high school-aged children right now. These residents have shared concerns that the closest high school is pretty far away, and there’s no easy transportation to school. The district is offering free bus passes to them, but parents are concerned about efficiency. Most parents of these children are both working and can’t drive their child over to school. This is an equity issue that the FUHSD needs to address alongside the city of Sunnyvale.

Ultimately, because I’m a new board member, there’s lots of things for me to learn in 2023. There are many areas our district is excellent in, many issues that have already been addressed. So I’m looking forward to learning to work with the community, with families, organizations, teachers, to improve together as a district. I’m really open-hearted to trying to contribute. Another board member, Grant Clark, has very kindly scheduled to meet with me before every board meeting to help me understand some agenda items. Thanks to his offer, I’ve been able to better understand the context of agendas and what kinds of questions are valuable for me to ask.

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Image by Brian J. Matis

Special ReportsJax Oliver