A red-letter question: What SJ CMs can, and can't, do with City titles/resources

The US Office of Gov't Ethics reminds that federal public employees can't use their positions to craft the illusion of gov't sanction in matters outside of their job jurisdictions, and that employing official letterheads for personal business is a big no. Ethical standards 5 CFR § 2635.702 & .704 written below.

§ 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.

An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations. The specific prohibitions set forth in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section apply this general standard, but are not intended to be exclusive or to limit the application of this section.

(a) Inducement or coercion of benefits.

An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office in a manner that is intended to coerce or induce another person, including a subordinate, to provide any benefit, financial or otherwise, to himself or to friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity....

(b) Appearance of governmental sanction.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, an employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office in a manner that could reasonably be construed to imply that his agency or the Government sanctions or endorses his personal activities or those of another. When teaching, speaking, or writing in a personal capacity, he may refer to his official title or position only as permitted by § 2635.807(b). He may sign a letter of recommendation using his official title only in response to a request for an employment recommendation or character reference based upon personal knowledge of the ability or character of an individual with whom he has dealt in the course of Federal employment or whom he is recommending for Federal employment.

Read the whole thing here.

5 C.F.R. §§ 2635.703, .704, and .705

It is your responsibility as an employee to protect and conserve Government-owned or -leased property and vehicles and to use them only for authorized purposes....

You are prohibited from using official Government envelopes (with or without applied postage) or official letterhead stationery for personal business.

Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Justin Henry

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Jax OliverComment