☆ The six circles of California

Former Board of Equalization candidate Peter Verbica surveys the ongoing collapse of much of California, and sees a cascading collection of six bad strategies that have contributed mightily to the Golden State's troubles. An Opp Now exclusive.

1.  Crimp housing supply for over half of a century due to CEQA to achieve skyrocketing rents and SFR home prices.

2.  Stop building new reservoirs for decades (despite the voters passing a billion dollar water bond).

3.  Refuse to reform tort litigation so that insurance premiums rise.

4.  Set unrealistic de-carbonization goals and place other burdens on utility companies to drive up rates.

5.  Require re-formulated fuels despite marginal benefits and implement high fuel taxes in order to drive up gas and diesel prices to burden the paycheck-to-paycheck wage earner.

6.  Do a head-fake and blame affordability on a living wage.

Read more from Verbica here.

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Jax OliverComment