☆ FedSoc pres: If heckling students held accountable, Stanford Law hiring boycott can end

Stanford Law's Federalist Society student president Tim Rosenberger, Jr. speaks to why a few prominent judges have announced they will stop hiring Stanford Law grads. Some are worried this effect will snowball, as with recent years' Yale Law blacklisting. Stanford's solution, according to TRJ, must involve thoughtful hiring and student discipline decisions. An exclusive from Opp Now, the only local publication covering the Stanford Law circus fully.

Opportunity Now: Well, it's happened: Stanford has been added to Circuit Judges James Ho and Elizabeth Branch's list of law schools they won't hire from. Do you think this has anything to do with Stanford Law's lax position on disciplining students' disruptive behavior?

Tim Rosenberger, Jr.: Judge Ho’s statement suggests that more accountability could have averted this decision.

ON: How, in your opinion, can the law school now regain its rapidly declining prestige?

TRJ: Stanford still has the bones of a great law school. Judge Ho provided a blueprint for salvaging Stanford Law School, starting with aggressive hiring of originalist faculty and right of center staff.

There’s much work to be done, but our Federalist Society Chapter and I stand ready to work to help Stanford Law School reach its full potential and end this boycott.

This article is part of an Opp Now series on the Stanford Law free speech scandaland its aftermath:

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