☆ Election 2022 SJ takeaway: Core services need to come first

Local fiscal responsibility and community groups are hopeful that Mayor Mahan can get city services back on track, and worry that Labor-aligned councilmembers will block the voters' will. An Opp Now exclusive.

Matt Mahan’s victory proves how out of touch mainstream politicians’ agendas are with the average voter’s needs. A significant number of us believe government fails at providing what really matters: safe neighborhoods, clean streets, and affordable housing. Voters sent a clear message that our mayor must refocus on delivering effective core services.

Matt’s first two years might prove difficult. Getting the right people into the vacant council seats in Districts 8 and 10 will be critical to his ability to fulfill his campaign promises. Failing that, he will be unable to deliver on his promise of effective, responsible government.

--Pat Waite, President, Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility

I am hopeful for Matt Mahan as Mayor because:

1. Matt Mahan won, in spite of $2 million more spent by special interest PACs (like the 49ers) supporting Cindy Chavez. Bien Doan in D7 also won with less PAC support than the incumbent. Perhaps we are beginning to see a triumph of voters over the influence of money and special interest groups on elections in San José. 

Voters are examining issues, evaluating office holders’ performance in terms of actually solving issues, and are open to new ideas from emerging candidates. Voters want accountability. This is good for San José!  Perhaps the future holds less influence from special interest groups at City Hall and more focus on residents' best interests.

2. As a Council Member, Matt had bi-monthly "Chats with Matt," informative newsletters, and council meeting recap videos. When people from other districts tune-in, you know he is getting it right. Matt, his staff, and the D10 Leadership Coalition worked together organizing residents to address issues and concerns that matter to them.

His staff worked with Families & Homes San José (FHSJ) at times, providing encouragement and advice on organizing and messaging, and extended himself to help community organizers be heard (even when we were not in complete agreement). He held a press conference stating his opposition to "Opportunity Housing" and signed Our Neighborhood Voices petition. We are hopeful that under Matt, in his new position, residents will have more input on land use issues, and that there will be push back from the City and our new Mayor on "one-size fits all" land use legislation from the State.

3. Matt Mahan will not have majority support from the Council as Labor continues to control the Council. However, with his amazing ground game, increasing political base, and the energy of Matt's volunteers, he should be able to gain more political leverage and community support to implement the changes and service improvements our City desperately needs. We hope for a better balance at City Hall, while reducing the influence of special interests, lobbyists, and PACs at City Hall.  

It's time the City worked for its residents to provide the basic city services we need on a daily basis. Matt will hopefully be able to lead this change and focus energy on these services and continue to support local control for land use decisions.

--Sandra Devlin, Families & Homes

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Image by Andrew Hurley

Special ReportsLauren Oliver