☆ Budget analysis: Is SJ actually “focusing on the basics”?

SCC Libertarian Party secretary and Purissima Hills Water District director in Los Altos Hills Brian Holtz critiques San Jose’s March message about the 2023–2024 budget. Holtz wonders if there’s more fluff yet to be cut. Is it time to sacrifice non-essentials, such as public art, to bolster needed expenses in law enforcement and infrastructure? An Opp Now exclusive.

Although Mayor Mahan’s reiterated goal of prioritizing “basics” is reassuring, I’m concerned he’s not nearly resolute enough.

If San Jose has too few city staff per resident, that’s another sign they must cut (or release to the private sector) luxuries such as broadband, public art, and tweaking emissions. Let’s reassign those employees to roads, infrastructure, public safety, and accelerating approvals for new housing and businesses.

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