☆ Are school board campaigns too expensive?

Former Fremont Union High School District board candidate Andy Arness parses the financial barriers involved in running for school board. If putting a Candidate Statement in locals’ voting guides cost several thousand dollars (not to mention other campaign expenses), are competent candidates finding themselves unable to run? An Opp Now exclusive.

One of the takeaways that surprised me (and I think your readers should know this) is how little a FUHSD Governing Board Member/Trustee actually gets paid and how much the candidates (and their supporters) are willing to pay to win the position! The School Board Members/Trustees in the FUHSD are only paid $400.00 per month! Just to put a Candidate Statement in the Voters Guide is $4,600.00 (of which the FUHSD will pay for half). Then you start to add up all the costs for banners, yard signs, slate cards, other mailing material, etc., and we're talking about a lot of money for a job that pays so little.

I'm happy to report that I didn't spend one cent on my campaign, nor did I accept one cent for my campaign from anyone! Zero budget! Zero loss! My campaign was a grassroots, social media, word of mouth, and Candidate Forums campaign all the way!

Every voter should ask the candidates how much the elected office they are running for pays. And, how much of the candidate's own money are they planning to pay for their campaign and/or already have paid!

Also, it's really ironic that the School Board oversees the District administrators, who are making as much as $500,000.00 a year, when the School Board makes so, so little. The teachers in the FUHSD are mostly making way over $100,000.00 per year. A great School Board is so vital and important to a successful, thriving School District! The Board Members are the ones that create the vision for the entire District and its policies! The School Board members are the ones that oversee and decide the budget for the District! The School Board members are the ones that make the difficult decisions that impact the lives of so many students and their families! The District administrators report to the School Board, and the School Board holds them accountable! And so much more. And let's not forget that the School Board answers up to the voters that elected them! Unfortunately, very few people show up to the School Board meetings — if any at all! 

Another takeaway — I was thrilled to see how many people were so supportive of me and who really love their kids, their community, and the school district! At the same time, I was so disappointed at how many people really don't care!

One last thing — I was really disappointed to see how many people made this nonpartisan position become a political party issue. Not good! So many people were bringing up issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the School Board.

Nevertheless, I will be actively seeking another elected office in the future — because I love my community!

I am so THANKFUL for the opportunity to have been a part of this year's election! I am SO THANKFUL to all of those that voted for me and gave me their support, trust, and encouragement!

Follow Opportunity Now on Twitter @svopportunity

This article is part of an exclusive Opp Now series:

  • Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) president Jan Soule unpacks SCC’s uniquely high candidate statement fees.

  • Former Fremont Union High School District board candidate Andy Arness parses the financial barriers involved in running for school board.

Image by Fairfax County