UC Berkeley has a spot for sacked SF District Attorney Boudin

Recalled last June, former San Francisco DA and radical jailbreak activist Chesa Boudin has just announced he will be overseeing a new Criminal Law & Justice Center at UC Berkeley. Many shake their heads as local colleges are increasingly throwing common sense, superior qualifications, and quality education out the window—in favor of ideological agendas, proven ineffective in the real world. A Press Democrat article.

San Francisco's polarizing former top prosecutor announced Wednesday he will not run for his old job, choosing instead to serve as executive director of a new criminal law research and advocacy center at University of California, Berkeley's law school.

Chesa Boudin was ousted as district attorney last year in a divisive recall election, driven by critics who said his progressive attitude toward crime was making the city less safe. He was replaced by Brooke Jenkins, who promised more consequences for criminal defendants.

Boudin is the son of leftist radicals who spent decades in prison for their role in a botched 1981 heist of a Brink's armored truck. Kathy Boudin died last year, soon after David Gilbert was granted parole.

Boudin said in an op-ed published in the San Francisco Chronicle Wednesday that his new job “is still consistent with my lifelong commitment to fixing the criminal legal system, ending mass incarceration, and innovating data-driven solutions to public safety challenges.”

This article originally appeared in the Press Democrat. Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Art Anderson

Lauren Oliver