SJ candidates begin the local call for de Leon, LA-4 resignations

Leading mayoral hopefuls (Chavez and Mahan) and a city council candidate (Irene Smith) in San Jose have joined the chorus of politicians (including President Biden and Governor Newsom) calling for the resignation of Southland politicians who were caught on tape expressing racist and other hateful statements. One of the LA politicians, Kevin de Leon, has ties with San Jose politics and is rebuffing the calls to resign. Excerpts from SJ candidate forum, Twitter feeds, and Merc coverage below.

Chavez and Mahan call for resignations at 10/20/22 Willow Glen Neighborhood Ass'n forum (about 40 minutes in).

Irene Twitter feed calls for resignation of LA-4 on 10/10/22.

Merc coverage about de Leon’s connections to San Jose, April 21, 2016:

“Councilwoman Magdalena Carrasco last month shot down rumors that her daughter’s father — Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León — would pump $250,000 into Arenas’ campaign. Carrasco said she’d only ask her ex to give $600 to support her “friend” Arenas in the race.

But it appears one of de León closest allies is gearing up to raise money for Arenas. Papers filed with the San Jose City Clerk’s Office April 12 created the “Community Alliance for a Better San Jose Supporting Sylvia Arenas for City Council 2016.”

John Shallman, a well-known Encino-based political consultant who ran two of de León’s state campaigns, is listed as the principal on the filing. Shallman is the rumored force behind attack mailers aimed at Carrasco’s opponent, Xavier Campos, in the 2014 District 5 council race.

The committee’s treasurer is Rita Copeland, a Sacramento-based book-keeper specializing in political campaigns. The new committee has received no financial contributions yet, but will be one to watch as the District 8 race heats up.”

Read the whole Merc story here.

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Jax Oliver