☆ Rules for Radicals—2023 SV edition

Ex-pat contributor Philip Davenport writes: "I was researching a lecture for my high school seniors on political dissent, and as I leafed through my battered copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, I realized that your lefty colleagues in Silicon Valley are still following The Saul's playbook pretty closely. I offer up an updated version for your holiday reading pleasure, inspired by your Trump Tactics piece from October as well as comments at the special elections kerfuffle. Happy Holidays..—PD" An Opp Now exclusive.

[Editor's note:  Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals is a famous handbook for progressive activists, originally published in 1971, which outlines many time-tested techniques for managing perceptions, manipulating media, demonizing opponents, and advancing a left-wing agenda.]

Rules for Radicals—2023 SV edition

by Philip Davenport

  • Always invoke race and racism when attacking your opponents.

  • Position your opponents as outside the community, as Other.

  • Do something to publicly banish your opponents: censure, etc.

  • Don't let the facts get in the way of accusations--Never acknowledge counter-narrative data nor expert opinion.

  • Remember strength in numbers--Enlist compliant media and activists to repeat talking points.

  • Invoke race again.

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Jax Oliver