Recent National Education Association convention spews “radical leftist” dogma, demonizes dissenters

California teacher Brenda Lebsack describes her jarring experience at the NEA’s latest teachers’ convention in the California Globe. Not only did the NEA preach and prioritize social justice Wokeism (only four of the 110 motions addressed relate to student academic achievement, as opposed to progressive identity politics), but they excluded and denounced differing perspectives. If educational leaders are shunning critical evaluation and intellectual diversity, Lebsack points out, how—and what—are our local students being taught to think?

In the teachers union’s preamble, it says, “NEA is to be the national voice for education managed by and for the public good, to advance the cause for ALL individuals.”

However, as I read the 70 new business items and 40 amendments of bylaws, legislation, and resolutions, and listened to the platform speeches, it was obvious the NEA only represents those who hold the same ideologies and radical leftist political views.

From what I observed, the NEA’s goal is for public education to be a training ground for political activism, while demonizing anyone—including students and their families—who does not share those same political and sociological beliefs.

The NEA does not want public education to be neutral ground in developing critical thinkers with an emphasis on academic achievement.

Its priorities were apparent, because of the 110 motions discussed and voted on, only four remotely addressed student academic achievement. Those four dealt with student financial literacy and resources for English learners and language acquisition.

Nearly half of the motions dealt with identity politics, social justice, and ways to promote the goals of the Democratic Party.

This article originally appeared in the California Globe. Read the whole thing here.

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Jax Oliver