Reaping the whirlwind: Oakland violent crime rate soars after city slashes police budget

Unlike other municipalities (see nearby), Oakland is sticking by its decision to dramatically reduce ("defund") police expenditures, and people of color and people of constrained means are bearing the brunt of the decision. Phil Matier reports for the San Francisco Chronicle.

As disturbing as Oakland's rising homicide rate is, the numbers tell only part of the story. Oakland has had 14 homicides since the start of the year--that compares with a single homicide during the same time period last year. If the homicides continue at the current rate, Oakland is looking at 168 homicides by the end of the year.
The numbers are shocking, but they pale when compared with the number of people wounded.
"All of this is set against a backdrop of over $20 million in cuts from the police department this year, including all the overtime that went to enforcement operations like sideshow and violent crime operations," interim Oakland Police Chief Susan Manheimer said.
Read the whole thing here.

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Simon Gilbert