☆ Perspective: Let's end Woke institutional indoctrination, especially to kids

Bay Area political candidate Tom Wong addresses why locals should be concerned about Woke college takeovers, and how their extreme ideological pushes could exacerbate enrollment drops. An Opp Now exclusive.

Ultimately, I believe the university system must refocus on education. Colleges have been infiltrated by radicals and people with personal agendas. Some professors aim to indoctrinate students into their ideology. Ivy League colleges have spent hundreds of years building names and reputations for themselves (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Stanford were founded between 1636 and 1885). However, in the past 40 years, infiltrators have destroyed these and many other colleges’ reputations by pushing Woke propaganda.

If students no longer see the value of a college education, they will withdraw, or not enroll in the first place. Colleges will continue losing students and eventually go out of business. But if colleges refocus on what makes them valuable (providing excellent education), and if they screen to ensure top-notch faculty and staff (versus selection based on political ideas), they can restore their reputations.

At the end of the day, I want concerned parents to know that their voices will be heard. All of us should be courageous and stand up against the Woke movement. People are seeing how our students, particularly our kids, are being indoctrinated. Parents, students, community leaders, elected officials, concerned citizens, and the media are pushing back against the Woke movement. I encourage people: if you see something, say something and do something!

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Image by Robert Kenny

Lauren Oliver