Outraged parents force recall election for Woke SF school board members

After more than a year of school closures, during which time children received substandard remote learning and SF Unified busied themselves with renaming the city's schools, local parents said "Enough is Enough." They have launched a recall petition that looks like it has a very good chance of success. Joanne Jacobs reports.

In February, Siva Raj, a technology entrepreneur, and Autumn Looijen, a software engineer, abandoned their tech start-up idea and launched the school board recall on Facebook. They had no political experience or funding, but the ultra-woke board had alienated a wide range of San Franciscans.

The board renamed 44 schools — including Abraham Lincoln High — while keeping them closed, ended merit admission at the academic high school and rejected a gay father for a parent advisory council because he’s white. One board member’s tweets accusing Asians of “white supremacist thinking” infuriated the city’s large Asian community.

Families with children are a small percentage of San Francisco’s population, and public school enrollment is falling. Parents haven’t had much clout, even with the school board. But many people want schools that make learning a priority.

Read the whole thing here.

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Simon Gilbert