Memo to CA legislators: Germany’s shift to green energy didn’t work either

Billions deep in renewable energy “solutions,” Germany has little to show besides increased carbon emissions, unimaginably costly electricity bills, and progressive environmental ruin. Public policy consultant Todd Royal warns that California must not continue to follow Germany’s lead—lest we engender further “energy poverty.”

Germany’s energy transition (“Energiewende”) from fossil fuels for power and electricity to renewables, particularly wind turbines, has caused the highest electricity prices in the world. Electrical grid instability for Europe is now a reality, and the same thing will happen to California. These policies have led to electrical output reductions triggering serious implications for how effectively Germany can ward off COVID-19. While California doesn’t have 25 million infections it has thousands that can mainly be fought with reliable energy and electricity. 

This global pandemic is leading to economic depressions in Germany and possibly California; the State’s grid better return to fossil fuels. The world is moving in that direction through the use of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals that have their origins in the over 6,000 products that come from a barrel of crude oil.

Otherwise Germany’s energy policies, which a 2019 McKinsey & Company report said “pose(s) a significant threat to the nation’s economy and energy supply,” will devastate their country, the EU, and western-aligned nations battling the Chinese virus unleashed on the world. There doesn’t seem to be a compromise between climate change enthusiasts who embrace renewables, and opponents of both actions in the Merkel and Newsome governments. 

This article originally appeared in Fox & Hounds Daily. Read the whole thing here.

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Image by Mathias Dalheimer.

Jax Oliver