Mahan on SJ's housing permitting fiasco: "a problem of accountability"

As reported exclusively on Opp Now, SJ City Staff's process for permitting new housing is a bottom feeder among major U.S. metros, exacerbating the city and region's housing woes. D10 CM and mayoral hopeful Matt Mahan says it's time for more proactive management techniques to break the permitting logjam at City Hall.

D10 CM Matt Mahan:

Our permitting processes are in need of serious reform at City Hall — homeowners and homebuilders have told countless horror stories of the process dragging on for months or years. There are many contributing factors: lack of investment in technology, a staggering 20% staff vacancy rate in certain teams, overly complicated procedures, and others. 

 Most fundamentally, though, is a problem of transparency and accountability. City staff don’t have clear performance targets nor consequences for being late in issuing permits. Applicants often don’t know where their permit is in the approval process, and don’t know when to expect a resolution. 

 My proposal is simple — City Hall should set clear customer service goals on permit approval times, and if the City is late, the applicant should have their permit fees reduced or waived. That’s basic accountability.

--Matt Mahan

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Jax Oliver