Local electeds who actually took a stand on SB9

The vast majority of local officeholders (we polled SJ City Council and Sta Clara Cnty Supervisors) refused to communicate to their constituents their position on the statewide abolition of single-family zoning bill (SB9), recently signed into law by Governor Newsom. Four SJ councilmembers, however, did wade into the controversial water: CM's Davis, Foley, Mahan, and Peralez. Their statements are below.

CM Dev Davis: OPPOSED: The demand for housing in California and our city is real. But SB9 is not the answer, and in fact creates many more new problems. Notably, SB will strangle local control by allowing added housing without requiring added capacity for infrastructure such as gas, water, electricity and sewer. The state legislation does not have affordability requirements or environmental review and includes minimal off-street parking requirements. This bill will dramatically affect our neighborhoods and our ability to deliver critical services to residents.

Local governments should remain the ultimate decision makers for how their communities are built.

I am opposed to Senate Bill 9. This would allow homeowners to split their single family lots and create duplexes. The legislation passed through the State Legislature and is now on the Governor's desk. If signed by the Governor, this law would force cities like San José to up-zone single family neighborhoods to allow for duplexes. As a supporter of local control, I am opposed to any effort to limit our control over developments. Senate Bill 9 essentially legalizes a form of Opportunity Housing citywide. Opportunity Housing refers to a zoning change that could allow for duplexes, triplexes, or fourplexes to be built on properties that are currently zoned single-family residential.

Councilmember Mahan opposes SB 9. He believes that San Jose ought to retain local control over implementing our General Plan, which focuses new housing development where it makes sense — in urban villages well connected to transit, infrastructure, and jobs. Densifying all single family neighborhoods will lead to unintended consequences relating to traffic gridlock, vehicle-induced air pollution, and gentrification of working class neighborhoods.

Councilmember Mahan has published his own Smart Growth plan, a vision that allows our geographically diverse city to build the housing we need in a responsible, holistic manner. His plan can be viewed here.

CM Raul Peralez: IN FAVOR {While Peralez did not respond to Opp Now's email query re: his position on SB 9, he said the below at the August 11, 2021 Rules Meeting, signaling his approval of bill}
"We are best to let the state make the decisions {on SB9 and 10}. If this came forward {to the SJ City Council} I would ask that we lend our support to both of these bills."

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Photo taken by Dennis Jarvis.

Simon Gilbert